Monday, 10 March 2014

day five

"We cannot see differently if we're not prepared to look."

We were challenged at church yesterday during Lent to look at our lives and reflect on where we might need to change.  My Lent fast is somewhat frivolous, 'tis true, but there is a slightly more serious level, as I want to challenge myself on how I engage with things.

One of the things I recognise is how disconnected I am, as a consumer, from the people who produce the things I own - not least all those who have made my extensive wardrobe..  

Fashion Revolution is a collection of people connected with the Fashion industry, who are asking us all to look again at our clothing, and those who make it.  They are marking Fashion Revolution Day for the first time this year on 24th February - the anniversary of the deaths of over a thousand people when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

This year they are encouraging us all to ask the question 'Who made your clothes?'  So go on - contact Gap, M&S, Primark and Topshop, and ask them!

Okay, back to the frivolous stuff...

Today it was the black dress and green coat for work again, and after a quick run (clothing not included) I changed into my black polo neck and denim skirt, put on my red trench coat and rushed off to choir practice (Oh, we're singing at the Glad Cafe in Shawlands on Sunday night at 8pm, if you want to come and hear us!)

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